School Trips


> About
> Planning Trips
> Ski Trip
> Year 8 Camp
> Upcoming Trips
> Past Trips


Throughout the academic year students have the opportunity to go on visits and field-work activities to enrich the work they are covering in the classroom. We arrange a variety of trips from national, regional and international ranging across all years.

Planning trips

For trips abroad students will need a current passport. They will also require an EHIC card.

The UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) lets you get state healthcare in Europe at a reduced cost or sometimes for free. If you have a UK European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) it will be valid until the expiry date on the card. Once it expires, you’ll need to apply for a GHIC to replace it. GHIC and EHIC do not replace travel insurance.
You can apply online at:

We aim to keep all costs to a minimum and try to give as much notice as possible for payment of trips. Where possible we offer payment by instalments. Trips must be paid for online, please click here to visit our sQuid link for more information.

Please be aware that we have limited places on certain trips which are often offered on a first come first serve basis, so please ensure the reply slip is returned as soon as possible.

Ski Trip

The reason we run a ski trip is because it offers an absolutely fantastic experience that in our
opinion is utterly unbeatable and among the best things you will ever do.

So take note of the directions in this booklet, get into a growth mindset, come along willing to
listen, learn and have a go, and we will all have a brilliant time out on the slopes.

Year 8 Camp

Students can look forward to: Kayaking, Rock climbing, Abseiling, Zip wire, Archery, Tunnels, Low ropes, Crate challenge, Walking, Build and light camp fires, Flag building, Challenges and team building.

The document below is a suggested kit list and guidelines for Summer Camp 2024.

Climbing Wall

Up and coming trips


Past Trips

Sussex University STEM Trip

On Thursday 6th June, students from Year 10 attended an exciting Maths\STEM open day at Sussex University. The group attended practical sessions, investigating 2D shapes with a 13 sided shape called an aperiodic (which means forms a shape which cannot be repeated) and the 3D concept of the Mobius Strip. A surface with one continuous… Read more

Ski Trip 2024 – Easter – Italy

Following on from the successes of our many past ski trips, we are now pleased to announce our next trip which will take place over Easter 2024.  We have booked a resort in Italy, which is a tried and tested location that offers some excellent snow conditions with opportunities for good quality skiing. The trip… Read more

Brighton and Hove Youth Council: Mental Health Convention

Longhill High School is at the forefront of an innovative effort to enhance mental health services for young people in Brighton and Hove. The school has been selected to participate in the Brighton and Hove Youth Council’s Mental Health Convention, a significant event hosted by Cardinal Newman School. Scheduled for the 22nd of March, the… Read more

Let’s Dance 2024 – Idealistic

“Let’s Dance” is a vibrant festival that unites young dancers from 75 schools, groups, and colleges across Brighton & Hove and the surrounding regions for an unforgettable performance on stage. This event stands as a grand celebration of school dance and claims the title of being the largest event of its kind in the UK…. Read more